Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blame WHO?

"Media coverage messed up" Or did they? See the story Repeats of ‘We Are One’ Event Will Include Bishop, HBO Says

But is media to be blamed? I quote"It was the presidential inaugural committee".But was it..."not HBO, who took responsibility for the perceived slight on Monday,..."

Has any one given consideration to divine plan to one who is called GOD?
Maybe He allowed the "slip up" to be a eye opening wake up call for leaving HIM out?

It amazes me that Obama followers (voters) speak with lack of "respect" to the one who has not even taken the oath yet?
If Obama was for the Mama, the Papa then, why not now?
Whose "all one" teaching is the right one anyhow?
Did you ask my opinion?
You voted in deception and now you say these things. But wasn't he the one who said "yes I can",sorry that was a slip"yes we can"???

Just what is "openness", it carries a diverse range of users/producers/contributors! Do we 'all' subscribe to those the same way?

Let me openly expressed here "I am a sinner". But rather than organizing a group of like minded towards the advancement of "my sin". I turned to the One who can truly tolerate my sin...that is also open for others,too.

As for Bishop V. Gene Robinson’s invocation on Sunday. His prayer left out God *(rather the Bishop mentions Him as "God of our many understandings") and only ended with "Amen," not with in "Christ Jesus name Amen".
Is this respect to Christians? Fear GOD the higher Authority even Bishops answer to.

Because of my "openness" I suppose my comment will be omitted.Thank-you for any consideration.

Author foot notes the following.
*Added while editing for this blog post.
My comment is left here as record since my thinking is The New York Times January 20 2009 Issue may delete it from public view?

1 comment:

  1. Just as I thought would happen, "The New York Times" left my comment out. Isn't it great to have your own blog?
