Friday, July 17, 2009

"The greatest Hope we have is that Truth never changes."

Where are The MEN? To paraphrase John Adams..."Preach harder on the sin that is most prevalent."

Although there is no "new" sin...coming down on the sin that is destroying a people should be the goal of the day. What is that sin homosexuality, pornography,abortion.($350 million tax dollars are killing babies)..these are prevalent sins. These are the ones we need to hear the preacher and priest come down on.

But a second thought is in order what is the definition of the "prevalent sin".
Perhaps we need clergy to come down on the "SIN of lack"... lack of leadership "lack of responsibility" "lack of accountability"....where are the men in this country.

Those who up hold values, who love their wives, their children, their jobs, their countrymen, and the brotherhood.

President Obama in his run for office and in office empower the women. Don't get me wrong women are strong and play important parts in everyones lives. Women like men have their important parts to play in life.

We have a few hero's in position in the battle and need our supporting prayers. To fight with strength against the leadership of the day ... so called men (whimps) who invite laws to silence those who are the predecessors of truth of the past.

"The greatest Hope we have is that Truth never changes." you can quote me on that.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Swine Flu and President Obama's plan

Here is something that is good to hear from President Obama. The president is pushing national preparedness for the upcoming flue season. The information provided is very detailed and although I have not read every link within the site this is well worth going over.

Cover your nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough. Visit for more information.

According to the email sent to me by John O. Brennan, The White House it is the responsibility of each one of us to take action and prepare. This is why I am also sharing the information with others. There is a link to Flu.govWash your hands with soap and clean running water. Visit for more information.Great site with tips and a wealth of information to help promote national preparedness. Including $2500 video contest.Here is a link to the contest rules.Or simply go to the site yourself. I'm just passing info to you here.Let me share this map of the United States that shows the spread of the Swine Flu. CDC Flu View Map Widget. Flash Player 9 is required. I think that the picture is pretty clear we all need to do our part to help prevent the spread of this flue that can kill you.I wanted to make sure you are up to date with this information and provided the post just for you and your family and friends.

Thanks for reading and GOD Bless you!