Monday, January 19, 2009

So "submissive" they are?

The role of the "woman" in our society or interacting within an ethnically diverse society is the problem. Just as "submissiveness"is taken out of context. Let me explain your analogy of the role played in films is not out of order. When considering the method by which women are "chosen"and in this text via Hollywood and the film industry. What would you expect in a industry that prides itself with fame and the expense of the viewers. For myself the election to use my free time more wisely and to chose not to infiltrate my mind and thereby my life with cheap entertainment. The industry is geared towards the perversion of the roles not only of women but men and children. The context takes away the values of what a family is because sex sells. There is no concern for the impact on society but rather the numbers at the box office.
One needs to look at the real roles of men women and children from the view of what they were intended to be by our creator.
Husbands love your wives even as Christ loved the church. This is a love for ones wife which would indicate man married to woman. A concept that today's society wants to throw out the window as well.
Then wives are to be submissive to their husbands. The submissiveness is towards her husband and not towards another outside of her relationship with her husband. Wow,what an idea whose time has come "loyalty" and commitment towards each other.
The role of the child is "honor" your father and your mother that it my be well with thee and you shall live long.
The movie industry has taken all of these roles and flipped them over and changed them to be opposite of the standard. Where children boss parents around and wives run round and men chase men.
That is where our society is and is heading deeper into this trend as time moves on.
Your supposed industrialized "Rosie the Riveter" also would be one who is from a foreign country as industry itself is moved from the American way of life. It is not an industrialized country any more. We are service oriented instead. Not many of today's workers have even got "dirty finger nails". Never broke sweat doing a job more than sitting answering a phone in an office.
One would not need to see the obvious from the view of being chauvinistic? But obvious if one is viewing real life by the examples Hollywood gives us. Then one has taken a step down the wrong road and will view real life as sex money greed and who care what is right.

Above is my remark above given as a comment on Thomas Reggi's article
Nurses, Teachers, Secretaries Oh MY!
Thomas Reggi proponent of Existentialism and any directive towards standards by God The Creator or even to the following of a set of standards could prove to be problematic.

With that being said here is more information about culture shifting.

'What do we do with our sin nature? We take it to the Lord and let Him renew our minds and hearts.”
Lifetime Movie Casts Christians in Ugly Role

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