Saturday, January 24, 2009

"king" OB !

What is it that thou oh "king" Obama hast done for thy people? ....ask the court jester
"I have given to them thee example how a great country. Can through years of struggle and toil by the common folks. Can rise to the most prized position in the land of opportunity." replies....."king" Obama.

"Ha,Ha,Ha, laughs ....court jester.

You,you,court jester are to make me laugh, yet your "HA,HA, HA, is riddled of mockery, your poking and jabbing with your staff is belittling? What is the meaning of this. expounds ...."king" Obama

But of course you should think it that way, SIR. But I was in the village just on the second day of your taking the throne "king" Obama. Says ....court Jester

Yes, well go on with it.demands ...."king Obama"

Well,sir you know how silly those common folk are when they gather in concourse speaking only inwardly to each other. And How they most are to make one laugh by their continual nodding often banging their heads.HA,HA,HA says ...court jester

I am NOT amused! exclaims ...."king" Obama

Sir, if it pleases your majesty bid me the time to explain the common folk. resounds ....court jester
It was the..... well sir, it was the taxation enacted upon the common folk just two days after your enthronement,sir. says ....court jester

What taxation? I abolished previous laws. They call that taxation? Fools the are, fools. says ...."king" Obama

Hee,Hee,Haaaa........ But the children? says ....court jester

The children? says "king "Obama

Yes, they cry out from Heaven world wide for this abolished law to be silenced yet again. says ....court jester

What on earth do you say, You claim these children are in Heaven yet world wide? They cry out for this law to be silenced yet again. This is so confusing Jester You will be put away unless you clarify THIS NOW! Proclaims ....."king" Obama

Sir,The ink of your well had not dried to the parchment when the aborted souls cried for your mercy. And those of whom are yet to be,fear for the fate that is! For they fear not for their sakes but yours? says ....court jester

MINE, what on earth is that to mean?....."king" Obama

Tis difficult to proclaim without sounding .......well without sounding......Oh...... judgemental!
They fear the fate of your accountability.
says ....court jester.

Not just in this. They have supported your travels seeking a new way forward.... to find themselves reverting to old ways by the past kingdoms. The here say of promises not kept.....says court Jester

The sacrifice to remake the failing kingdom is not one of their selected paths. Their only hope is prayer.... says court jester

This was my comment to "All Hail King Obama - Bye Bye Republic"

Credits for publication of "king" OB..authored by J.T.Brookins
Conservative Exile

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1 comment:

  1. Very profound! Kill the unborn humans, but save the whales! We need to pray for all of our elected leaders. Honesty & integrity are in very short supply. That was a very good article, Jimbo. Look forward to more.

    Posted by: Shirley Gillis | 01/28/2009 at 08:14 PM
    The above comment posted under "All Hail king Obama... Bye Bye Republic" by friend and co-worker TNX
