Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Growing Pains"

eBay Auction Seller Breaks Sales Record Off-eBay
3rd comment is me. I will add Auctionbytes reply if any here.

Mon Jan 19 01:10:23 2009
Thanks for more supportive feedback. Please understand that I never said that the success of Bruce Hershenson was not notable nor unworthy of praise? What I was asking was for tips for the little guy from the big guy. Bruce Hershenson is a go getter and I commend that. I am ever greatful to see community support. The newsletters from have been helpful for the small guy like me. In gaining the inside scoop and connecting with community supporting folks like Henrietta,Patricia,Allen K. and I'm sure others who will offer tips and advice. It will also be great to hear any support from on this subject.

There are so many stories about the success of the big guys? Sure some did just jump on the band wagon after inheriting from a great uncle or the likes there of. Yes, some have started out with nothing and made a success of themselves. That was last year or the year before. We face a new challenged time in our lives. One that provides us with the opportunity to empower new ideas that work for the betterment of ones business. One that will bring the little guy to a brighter tomorrow providing he or she makes prudent and timely decisions. What I hope to find is the trail that no one has gone down before. The one that leads to that peaceful waterfall in a tropical setting. But then I wake up to the realities and the world we are living in.Aware of the surroundings but not an proponent of doom. Thinking there is a chance yet? June 30Th 2005 Leslie Walker in her article "EBay Sellers Fell Into Careers That Fill Their Lives" Talks about the growing pains associated with selling on eBay. I would say that these are true also for other venues as well? "All of which suggests a get-rich-slow dream on eBay. It may be more about taking control of lifestyles than raking in moolah".

For me it's about making ends meet,about being able to control my own work environment. But there is a level of profit yet to be obtained. It goes without saying this level is a necessary component to reaching the other objectives.

What other advice can you give the small guy like myself. Currently sell on eBay and now switching to Ioffer. Plus using social media in hopes to drum up sells. Very limited funds do not allow me to open a website just yet. However, I know that should be my goal. Took on a consignment of 400 plus pieces Department 56 collectibles. What platform/s could you recommend. One or more that would be best to liquidate this collection and bring the most profits. Auctionbytes newsletter Jan 18Th article about Babylon Mall had me checking into using this venue. But they are for handmade items? This is at times very daunting for those who want to offer goods but there are so many options most are cost prohibitive. Leaving the little guy in a cloud of dust. It would be nice to know there is some sort of hope for small sellers, too?


  1. reader reply:by: Henrietta
    Sun Jan 18 23:00:58 2009
    Congratulations Bruce not only on your record breaking year but your ability now to run your business as you see fit. No more half baked directives from micro-managing MBAs who know all the theory but have never built or grown a business.

    To James B above, come to where you can find everything but the ordinary.

  2. reader reply:by by: Patricia
    Sun Jan 18 23:49:44 2009
    @James - pick up a website at godaddy or one of the other hosts. I have godaddy and like them. I have well over 200 items on my website - probably closer to 300 and it costs me less than 5.00 a month for the space (I pay it 3 years at a time to get the lowest price for the most space). Get proactive - learn some HTML and go for it....but be ready to put the sweat equity into it.

