Saturday, August 15, 2009

"If that doesn't work call me in the morning."

"ObamaCare", cares about what? Wow I just viewed this video & it speaks volumes. I'm so thankful that I have not sent my AARP application in - more than likely it ended up in the correct trash pile (OR did I mean file,ha,ha)? What about that letter "Why Don't We See This"
From what I see we have people like those who remained in the AARP meeting, those in 9-12 - you and I who have answered the rude wake up call and have begun to hammer back in the face of those (politicians) who would miss lead us.

It kind of caught me off guard just a little that such a reputable organization as AARP would have such childish representatives. Yet, that is corporate America in the big city. Seems that the reason for the Dallas, TX meeting wasn't really for AARP, but for the after math the spark that says "let's pull together" and "in love" take back our government.
Let them know that we want to have our own personal lives and don't need or want big government in it!

The issue with health care reform is not the lowering of the health care insurance bill that all of us pay! No it is the lowering of the cost of health care that needs to be addressed.
Instead of bringing the cost (not a bad idea - just use a different method) of every ones coverage down, instead of requiring everyone to purchase health care coverage (Socialism-Marxism). Instead the thing that needs to be addressed is the COST of THE CARE!
You have the pharmaceutical conglomerates out there who only think about how much money can we get for this worthless pill? Not a real problem because we have got the "health care" providers whom we call doctors by the wallet. We just pay the doctors every time you and I run to CVS (drug stores) to fill the worthless prescription.
"If that doesn't work call me in the morning."
It's know wonder that we call it Practicing Physicians.
We also call it "Practicing Politics" - Hmmm maybe both professions need reform?

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